Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rainy Sunday

I had some time this morning to head to Ita and use the internet cafe. It´s a rainy always seems to rain on the weekends for some reason. Anyways, I took a picture of my super swollen feet but I cant seem to upload it so you all will just have to wait in aint pretty. Tomorrow we leave for long field practice. We will be visiting a volunteer for the week and working with him and his community. My group will be giving a charla on venenos caseros....homemade pesticides. It should be interesting considering that it will be our first in guarani. Anyways, my feet are fine now. I was given some allegra since I had such a strong allergic reaction and that took care of it. I think I jinxed myself about getting sick. This Friday I woke up feeling terrible and realized that I had food poisoning. I wont go into details but it was not pretty. I was laid out the entire day with absolutely no energy and a VERY high fever. I havnt had a fever that high since I was young. Ndaipori problema (no problems) I was back to normal the next day, though my taste for Paraguayan food has diminished even more. Last Thursday we went to this amazing little farm, about 3 hectares in size. The family was practicing more or less a permaculture system. They had crops which they ate as well as feed their animals. Pigs which ate the crops and whose manure they used in a biodigester which fermented their shit into methane which they use to cook with. They had rabbits for food and also manure for their crops. A vermiculture setup so the worms ate the compost and rabbit manure which was then given to the plants. Cows which also ate the crops. Afterwards they gave us some of their products...different jams and yogurt...the yoghurt was amazing! It was very inspiring and interesting to see all these systems working together on such a relatively small plot of land but they made it work. We learned how to make yoghurt...which is actually quite simple as well as cheese. Im going to make yoghurt soon. Ive been reading a lot on my down time. I think my mind has been starved for that type of entertainment because when I read I read fast and nonstop. Ive read 3 books in two weeks. And it´s not like I have a ton of free time either.
Ahatama (im going to go) jajotopata!

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