Friday, September 11, 2009

Let there be light!

Finally, electricity! Yesterday a guy came out and hooked up all the wires correctly so that I have reliable electricity (knock on wood) It has been nice to read a little later at night with lights on and use my little hotplate stove. Let´s hope it stays this way.

In other news, it is cold again! We had a massive storm roll in two days ago, lots of wind and hail. I was worried that my roof would get torn to shreds since it is thin fiberglass and I have seen roofs with hail damage before, but luckily it held strong. However, the storm brought on cold, rainy, gray weather. I have no idea WHAT season I am in right now...maybe it´s spring? maybe it is still winter? Maybe this is just a cold snap in spring?

There was a bit of damage out in the fields. A lot of the watermelon crops were damaged, but survived, and the corn just has some torn leaves. It could have been worse.

I am preparing information for a citrus grafting capacitation class with the farmers committee. They were all very excited about learning how to graft citrus, and because it is relatively easy I think it should go well.
I am also doing a lot more health and cooking classes with the womens committee. I am going to have each session be a theme. For example next week will be fat and cholesterol. We will go over what exactly they are, how our bodies use them, in what amounts do we need, what foods are highest in them etc. Then we will do a cooking class in which we take a common food here and make it so that it is lower in fat or oil and more nutritious. These classes are all really fun; the women get a kick out of watching me cook and they understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle so the atmosphere is always light and full of enthusiasm.

Currently, I am almost finished with The Satanic Verses. It was slow going at first since the writing style is so different, but now I am really into the book. Very interesting story and written like no other book I have ever read.

Thursday I am off to the beekeeping classes with my contact. We are both really excited and I am just hoping I get through it all without kankles again!

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