Friday, October 30, 2009

Camera works

It turns out that all the computers in Santani are not wired correctly because my camera works fine in Asuncion. I am in the city since I am STILL getting eaten by bugs. Unbelievable. It has been a very long couple of weeks, but I will say that the last two nights have been bug bite free. Anyways, I will keep this short and post the pictures that I was planning on posting a while ago. Enjoy

Flowers in the flower garden that Maria and I built. Lovely.

Maria in our flower garden. The arbor will eventually be covered with passion fruit (yum)/

The flower garden. Jardin de la paz as Maria calls it.

Mmmm, vegetable juice. I came into school and did a healthy eating charla out of the blue. I came in with a handful of carrots and beets and asked the teacher if I coudl talk. He was happy to have me, so we made beet and carrot juice with a bit of sugar and the kids LOVED it. When asked which was better, soda or juice, some said juice and still some said soda. However, when asked which was better for you they all knew that juice was better. And why? I asked Because it has lots of vitamins and minerals! they answered. That was good enough for me.


Harvesting more carrots from the garden. They all wanted more juice!

Maria's next experiment. These are lima beans growing in between marigolds. Prior to these beans there were tomatos. A good crop rotation, and a very good use of natural pest control.


A double wall of protection, and it looks great too. There is some left over basil. This picture is relatively old. Right now the beans are well above the marigolds.

My new favorite toy... a handmill. Im grinding up a storm.

This is a result. Chapatis from brown rice and barley flour which I ground. Lentil and squash curry and carrot chutney. Not bad, eh?

Sweet potatos are purple in this country! And very, very sweet.

This is an older picture ( about two weeks old) of an experiment that has gone well. The melon in between the pineapple is almost completely covering the ground in between and it is in fruit, I cant wait to eat these sweet sweet melons.

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