Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Que tallllllll

Yo yo yo,

Finally got internet! ANDDDD I was able to get pics on this computer so lets hope I can blog it.Life is good...always exhausting, sometimes frustrating, never dull. Terere is awesome, it needs to be spread around the US. I voted the other week.....wrote Bush in, SYKE. I hear obama is doing well? Opama in guarani means finished so i dont know if that is good or bad. Guarani is getting better by the day, we are learning all types of agricultural techniques...learned how to keep bees, pigs, have chicks that we will keep and then once they are ready we will give to our family. There are these awesome stingless tiny bees called Jata'î which dont produce a ton of honey but its super rico and expensive. They basically need no help with the colony and are easy to maintain. Still havnt gotten sick. Mangos are getting plump....que riccoooo. Okay, time to try these pics.

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