Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hey all. So, week 6...almost done with training. Next week we do a weeklong visit to a volunteer and see what volunteer life is all about. Things are going sick with ghiardia(sp?) but im doing fine now. Guarani is getting better by the day, though I kind of hit a wall for a bit before it started getting better. I have two stories relating to bugs (bichos) and one relates to the title of my post.
1. Two weeks ago it was super REALLY hot. I was sleeping with the fan full blast on me. Around 1230 the power went out and I woke up, immediately it was 90 degrees and terrible. But, it gets worse. Slowly I heard a horrible sound......the sound of SWARMS of mosquitoes slowly encroaching on me. Luckily I was under a mosquito net,, but I could NOT sleep. Then, sweet relief....the power came back on. Fucking mosquitoes.

2. Yesterday we were working with bees, we were checking out some hives and just doing some basic beekeeping practices. All of a sudden I got stung on my lower ankle. I had my pants tucked into my socks and it turns out that bees dont like wool socks...that are dark green. They had figured out they could sting through the sock and into my ankle. So on stung me. It hurt. The thing that sucks most about stings is that they let off a pheromone that tells others to come sting that spot. So a mini swarm came to my foot, I tried to smoke them away...the smoke covers up the pheromone. On a side note, we use dried cow shit as our smoking material so it was the best of smells. Anyways, another stung me....then another on the other ankle. I got away and luckily I didnt get anymore but I did start to freak out. Today I woke up and my ankles are HUGE, as well as my feet. So I now have kankles. Super lame. Ill try to take a pic if possible.

Alright, time to get out of here.


lttleLena said...

david! Can't believe you've been gone for six weeks already... time is flying! Aside from the ghiardia and the kankles it sounds like you're doing pretty well? We miss you at driade (seriously!) News on the homefront? I got my plane ticket to CHINA! leaving jan 5th. Still no word about the scholarship, should probly hear about the interview next week. (keep your fingers crossed, k?) your pictures are amazing and I def love reading your blogs, so keep it up!!

L-dawg (the little one).

Sherri Ontjes said...

Hi David,
My grandaughter Claire and I are looking at your blog at Charlotte, NC. Happy Turkey Day!! Do they celebrate Thanksgiving there? We are thankful for you doing whatever you are doing. What are you doing?? We miss you and hope you stay safe from those evil bees!!!
Claire and Sherri