Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I made myself sick from eating too many mangos

Yup. That´s right, I did. And you know what? It was amazing! The other day during siesta I was in my hammock reading (The Brothers Karamazov, great book) when Rubito woke up and came over with a little bucket of mangos. "Ja´upata" - We will eat them all, he said. I didnt think it would be possible, but we polished them off. I went back to my hammock clutching my stomach, my face covered in mango in a state of sheer bliss and contentment. Of course I got a pretty bad stomach ache, but I guess that´s the price one pays for happiness! This is the second mango season of the year so I have been able to eat a couple mangos a day. Not a bad life, eh?

Things have been great. I´ve learned to just let go of things...let them happen on their own. The most amazing part is that the day I decided to just let things go, everything came together. I was confronted by the director of the school and asked to come teach the students about the school garden and organic gardening in general, I was asked by the womens committee to teach them about eating soy and soy meat so this week I will be giving a little cooking class. We will make soy empanadas! That same day we also started looking into the prospects of creating a apicultura comité. I feel that all those things happening on that day were signs and reinforcement for my new way of dealing with things in my community.

Teaching in the school is a bit hard. The problem is that children are taught to write down everything, remember it all and there is absolutely no creativity involved. They looked at me in bewilderment when I would ask questions that involved them to think or be creative. It turns out the teachers dont really ask questions. It was a slow process, but I think they learned something by the end of the day. Im going to continue teaching in the school, probably once a week and I am determined to get them to be as creative as possible.

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