Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cold and dreary in June.

Yup, cold...and cloudy. The weather has been hovering around the lower 40s during the day and night. It is weather you don´t really want to do anything in. Regardless, I have a rather big project I am working on that keeps me busy. Even though it isn´t in my 'field' of work, I have decided to put on a health fair at the school. I got the idea mainly because I was struck by the lack of knowledge my community members have regarding living a healthy life. This has to do mainly with their diet, their dental hygene, and sanitation. So my idea is to invite all the children in the school along with their parents to come for a fun day of charlas, games, songs and other activities. The other volunteers in my area have agreed to come help out. We will have a rotation of classes: a dental hygene class, a handwashing class, a parasite class, and a nutrtition class. I also went to the local medical office in my area and they said they would send either a nurse or doctor to give a charla on the flu and/or possibly give vaccinations to all the children. I have also been able to procure toothbrush and toothpaste for all the children and will start an in-school dental program where the children brush their teeth everyday after recess, when they usually eat a bunch of candy. After a month or two, ifthe program works well I will hopefully get them all toothbrush and toothpaste for home. So thats my Dia de salud. I think it will be good.
Other news. I will be coming to the states in August. I have a quick stopoff in LA but will then head to NC the 3rd of August and be there till the 12th so mark it down! Let me know if you all will be around, I would love to see everyone. Email me or comment on this blog.

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