Finally, garden pictures! This is my garden. I like to pack the plants in for a number of reason. First of all I am pressed for space, second of all companion planting works better in my experience. The plants benefit from each others company through growing and tasting better, as well as keeping most bugs away. Finally, growing them this close creates a green carpet that helps keep weeds at bay.

Companion planting at its finest. I have Lupino, a nitrogen fixer on the left, beets, lettuce, swiss chard, and marigold in the back.

beets, cherry tomatoes, swiss chard

My garden from another view, 8ft sunflowers in the back. It is hard to see but there is tomato, lupino, chilies, sweet peppers, onions, garlic, nasturtiums, basil, lettuce, beets, swisschard, green onions, chrysanthimum, parsley.

This was the first beet I harvested, it was delicious! I cooked it up with a local squash, brown beans, beet greens, and a bunch fo spices. It was delicious.

This is my garden a month ago in the sun.
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