Friday, August 28, 2009

Ah.....much better..

Yep. Things are back to normal. Hopefully that phase of frustration and homesickness have been left behind for good! Sure, I will encounter frustration but I am ready for it! Things are much better. I have regained that feeling I had prior to my vacation, and am much more at peace in my community.

Work is going well. Right now it is spring time. The nights are still a bit nippy, but the days are in the upper 80s and it feels good! I am trying to enjoy this weather as much as possible, because I know that the inferno we call verano (summer) is just around the corner. That being said, we have been doing a lot of work. Ive been planting and harvesting a lot of green manures lately. One farmer and I are harvesting the seeds of Nabo Forrajero - which, it turns out, is daikon radish! Anyways, we planted it between his pineapple rows and it made great soil coverage and its root really softened up the ground. He was very happy with the results, as was I.
Yesterday I planted more melon in between another farmers pineapple rows. So far We have planted 16 rows of melon. I think it will work out to be a great intercropping.
Also, my neighbor and I decided to build a flower garden. We have a bunch of seeds, and we both love flowers, so why not? It is right next to my garden, we are making the fence out of bamboo and after that is done we will build a little arbor and have passionflower grow up over it for shade. It will be our little terere spot. How lovely!

September looks to be a busy month. The 1st through the 3rd I am going with a community member to Asuncion for a HIV AIDs workshop, which we are both excited about. Then the 17th through the 20th I am taking my neighbor to an beekeeping seminar. Lets hope my ankles make it through this time!

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