Sunday, September 20, 2009

Beekeeping pictures are more

I just got back from my beekeeping seminar. It was a two day long course given by Peace Corps for volunteers and a Paraguayan contact. I was invited because my advisor knew that I have been doing a good amount of beekeeping work in site. The seminar was great! I learned a lot, my contact learned a lot, and we are both really excited about getting back into the beehives as soon as possible. The seminar was held in an agricultural highschool supported by the government. It had great facilities and was in a beautiful location. Also, I did not get a single sting the entire time, go figure! Enough with the talking, on with the pictures!

The gang waiting to go do some bees.

When the hive is lacking pannels the bees will start building comb on the underneath of the hive box cover as seen above.

This hive was lacking many panels and so the hive made almost it's entire comb on the underneath of the box cover. The white wax indicates that it is very fresh.

This was a Paraguayan contact, Hugo, looking for the queen. He obviously did not think gloves were necessary. He had balls, but, he found the queen.


My contact, Kai Zakaria, and Mitra with a little friend.
Random shot of my demo plot. I had harvested most of the oat seeds last week. Funny story; I was harvesting the oats on a beautiful day and because someone in the field nearby was using a loud chainsaw I decided to listen to my ipod. I put on some Michael Jackson and was so inspired that I started dancing to the music while harvesting the seeds. I was really getting into it. I turn around and see a family just staring, wide eyed , jaws dropped. They burst out into laughter. After they leftI continued harvesting and dancing. Now every time I see the kids see me they start dancing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what's your address so I can send you a postcard or something?