Friday, January 15, 2010

Uruguay pictures

A light snack.

Some of the Gang. From the Left is Megan (agroforestry), Kevin (Environ. Ed.) John (Crop) Keith (Crop)

I loved this translation. For some reason "Guts" doesn't get me salivating.

Typical Parilla. Meat Mecca.

These are pictures from Uruguay. The beach trip pictures were accidently deleted, but I will look for ones that other volunteers took and post the link later. These pictures all take place in Mercado del Puerto. It is a large 19th century iron structure filled with Parrillas, huge restaurants all serving tons and tons of meat. It is the meat mecca. We went twice. The first time we ordered a sampler, it came with different cuts of beef, pig, and chicken. There was an assortment of innards which werent great. The intestines were too chewey for me, the blood sausage was fantastic though, sweetbreads were decent, good. They also gave a grilled pepper ontop, a silly attempt at vegetables. The second time we went for New Years day and I ordered lamb. It was fantastic. Best lamb. Ever.

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