Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pictures? Check post below as well.

Sunsets in Paraguay are beautiful. Sadly I couldnt capture them well... but EVERYnight, unless it is cloudy, there is a gorgeous sunset. The sky is painted every shade of pink, orange, yellow, purple, a great way to end the day.

This is what I walk through to class every day. This first picture is of a ´backy field like back in NC.....Jealous of the view? I never get sick of it. The light is so bright, it is wonderful.

This is my family, from the left is Andres...who is Lurdes boyfriend. Lurdes, in the black is my aunt she is holding Omar. The older woman in the back in the white is one of my grandmothers. The man standing is Crispin, my dad. my mom is hiding behind Hilda, abuela who is holding bro number 2 Bauti, who is 2.

Tatakuaa. this is the outdoor oven where they cook special foods. In the front is Sopa Paraguay, basically really really rich cornbread. in the back is a pan of pork, beef, and chicken for mi mamas bday.

This is Omar...Omar oreko 4 año, Omar likes to scream and cry and touch everything I own. Still, Omar is the man.


Suzanne said...

i am totally jealous of your bad-ass adventures in paraguay. for once i am the one who wants to see pics!

Fallon said...

i take it omar's already figured out you hate children...