Monday, December 22, 2008

Almost time for xmas

Today Im going to hang out in Santani. Things are going well in site, I´ve got the garden going and I´m going to start a youth group after the new year. Guarani is slowwwwly getting better, but it is very disheartening when they speak SO fast and I just cant keep up. Oh well. It is hot, very very hot. The kind of heat that melts your brain, you cant even think its so hot.
Ive started running everyday in the morning to try and burn off as much of the greasy fried food as possible. Speaking of which, the other day they served a soup made of cow intestine, liver, stomach, fat around the stomach, and other tidbits. I could not eat it, super gross.

We started working on my house. We put down a small brick foundation wall and the posts. It is going to be tiny - 4m x 4m. Barely enough room for a bed, fridge, and stove. I think it will be nice and cozy! After it is done I will build another garden, this one will be mainly for herbs and poha ñana, the herbs used in terere as well as just a nice flower garden.

When im not studying or working in the garden or playing futbol with the kids im reading. I finished a collection of short stories of isaac asimov two weeks ago, this past week I read 100 years of solitutude which was amazing, especially because my little pueblo kind of reminds me of Macondo.

Today I´m going to hunt out a hidden pizza place that supposedly exists in Santani, it will be nice to have something OTHER than Paraguayan food for a change. Even though the food isnt great, my health has been fine. I think training was the hardest on my system but I have gotten past it (hopefully).
By the way, I do have a cell phone for those that want to call my number is 011595971399104. It should work, Ive already gotten one call from the states. No drunk dialing! well, ok, maybe SOME drunk dialing.

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