Monday, January 5, 2009

Ants in my pants!!

Freshly picked pineapple, bananas, newly harvested peanuts, mangos andddd fresh honey! Yum

Vaka ojukava pyahu. The newly slaughtered cow.

Thats right, ants in my pants. The other day when getting dressed I was surprised to find a colony of tahyi pyta´i living in my clothes. I had heard they ate clothes but these guys just wanted to dry, dark coziness of my jeans....I wonder why they didn´t go for my underwear???? Also, I was harvesting peanuts with a farmer and I pulled a plant that had an ant colony living in it, they freaked out and went apeshit on my hand...not pleasant.

Things overall are better. I have my days of frustration but I manage. Running REALLY helps so I run everyday and try to run an extra minute. Today I ran 34 minutes, tomorrow 35 and so on. Also I just keep busy, thoughI am out of books which is a serious bummer. Everyone should read A walk in the woods, super funny and would make you almost want to hike the App trail.

Now that the holiday season is over people are starting to get to work. Hoeing in the field sucks, its REALLLY hard work. Makes you really appreciate farmers. I started a youth group, we have a bunch of projects lined up. Got some families interested in using green manures, things are moving along slowly and frustratingly...but they are moving.

Latest food incident. For breakfast I had mondongo fried with eggs, which is cow intestine with eggs....and guess what? it wasnt that bad! of course I could only eat a couple forksfull before I could take no more, but it was pallatable. Lots of pineapples...its that time of year. Lots of peanuts as well. In the morning for breakfast I have warm milk with crushed peanuts in it...its really really tasty.

1 comment:

lttleLena said...

hi david!!! I know it's been a while since I left you a note. and for that, I am truly sorry. However, now we can exchange stories since I am located in BEIJING. Quite different from your little pueblo, but you know. I tried to call your cell phone on my skype phone but the internet at Will's apartment sucks. I will try again when I am in a better place. I would love to talk to you :) I hope you're doing well in the hot hot hotness down there... it's freeeeeeezing cold here so I sort of envy you. don't eat too much of those cow insides, k? And I would like to try some capibarra. That's interesting. I miss you and I hope to talk to you soon!!! <3 Lena