Monday, March 23, 2009

Ah to live alone

Life is good. I live in my own house, eat my OWN FOOD (best part) and don´t have to hear any crazy Paraguayan woman in the room next to me screaming at the pigs or whatever.
So far I have been living in my house for a week and it has been good. I wake up at around 5:45, make myself a delicious breakfast of oatmeal with freshly harvested honey and a cup of dark Driade coffee. I go outside on my little porch and watch the sun rise while I eat, it is amazing. Prior to this I would be woken up at around 3ish by the screams of the lady I was living with, eat a breakfast of cocido...which is just hot milk with mate and sugar in it with a roll of stale bread. Yea.....I think you could say I´m in a better situation now.
The weather is cooling down, though today is a hot one in the 90s. I have been working a lot in my garden, things are starting to sprout. Im also working with other Paraguayans, mainly the women, in their gardens since the men do the field work and the wives do the garden work.
My body feels not eating all that fried stuff nor grissle, nor the bad rice or pasta. Im slowly getting back into shape but it is slow going. Here is the scary thing.....sometimes I crave those fried tortillas. I dont like that. Now that I can cook I try to share what I make with Paraguayans to open up their palate. Most of the time they are just weirded out by the food. For instance, I made Guacamole the other day and they were totally grossed out by it. They eat Avocados with sugar or make a juice from it with milk and sugar so the idea of a savory dish with Avocados, garlic etc. totally grossed them out. However, some ate it and actually liked it. They love the oatmeal and some are already buying it to eat for breakfast. I consider this a healthy eating victory, since usually they would just eat cocido for breakfast or tortillas and mandio.

I finished Zen and the art of motorcycle maintanance, which was a great book. There were parts that were over my head, but overall it was amazing....definitely gets you thinking. Now I am reading a book on the rainforests of the world. The book is kind of a downer since it talks mainly about the devastation happening to the land and the people living in it, but it is still a good book and makes me want to visit the Amazon even more! By the way, those who are interested in visiting the Amazon rainforest just let me know...I most definitely plan on going on a travel down the river and into the jungle.

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