Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Little house in the campo

This is it...my little mandarine house. It is awesome

If you open the door you can see my wee little bed, from the bed you can see my fridge and shower.

Hey it´s my own fridge!! Notice that there is nothing in it but who cares. (Yes, I really am that dark)

My shower...kinda creepy.

My Garden.

Sorry it has taken so long to write but Ive been busy FINISHING MY HOUSE! Yes...that is correct, the house is done. Uncle d is living in HIS house, alone, by himself...eating his own food without salt, without sugar and most definitely without grease and grissle. This is the life. I came into Santani today to get stuff for the house such as blankets, cooking stuff etc. Im almost broke but PC will be paying me soon I think. As a side note, im being taxed on my living allowance .....which the government gives me to basically do government work, something doesn´t seem right there but Ill keep my mouth shut because I´m certain they are reading this. Hermano grande esta mirando, or in Guarani Ermano ituichava omaƱahina.
Anyways, back to the house. It is small but just enough. Sleeping in it is wonderful, there are these ants that sometimes bite me at night but I never have to hear any loud woman screaming, or some guy blasting music at 5am... it really is awesome. Though I will say that the first two days in my house I got a viral infection of...you guessed it, the gut. It was rough....real rough. Uncle d was down for the count. But Im all better now.
Anyways, I bought a new refrigerator, I have a little hotplate stove and a shower. I have hot water. In Paraguay they have these electric shower heads that heat the water when it comes out of the pipe. Definitely dangerous, but oh so good. Im using the neighbors latrine for the time being, my next project will be a latrine of my own, maybe even a composting latrine.
What else happening down here. It is kind of cooling down, days in the lower 90s. You Americans may cringe at that, but to me it is quite nice. Im almost done with Zen and the art of motorcycle maintanence, definitely a good book. Sesame is all about done. Lots and lots of people are striking, making road blocks because they are pissed about the price. Right now it is about 3000G a kilo, last year it was 8000G. They want the government to give them money but it isnt looking too great.
Thats all for now, Ive got a house calling my name. Oh, by the way, for those that dont know...Im actually going to be uncle dave sometime in August.

1 comment:

lttleLena said...

David!!! I love your house! It's just awesome, you BUILT THAT! How good does it feel to live in something you built?? I have no idea how that would feel. So impressed. It seems like you are doing pretty well and I'm so glad :)